Tag Archives: Azure

The Easy Path to AI

The explosion of interest in AI due to the recent success of ChatGPT, the state-of-the-art natural language generation model that can write anything from essays to poems to code, is no surprise. However, now we are starting to see the excitement wane as ChatGPT usage numbers drop. This could be due to competition, concerns about privacy and security, or the overall excitement factor slowing down as users struggle to find uses of the tool. Further, to use the API available from OpenAI, you need a lot of technical skills and resources to train, fine-tune, and deploy it. You also need to be careful about the quality and safety of the generated text, as it might contain errors, biases, or harmful content.

The good news? This is just one tool in a sea of many other AI tools that are refined and purpose-built for many organizational needs. At the top of that list of tools is Microsoft’s Azure Cognitive Services tools, a collection of cloud-based APIs that provide ready-made AI solutions for various scenarios. Anyone who is familiar with Data Science and Machine Learning knows that we need troves of clean and trustworthy data to train an ML model to be able to predict results. The beauty of Cognitive Services is that Microsoft has already built these models around many categories, and even won many “human-parity” awards! Below are just a few examples of how Cognitive Services can help you with your AI needs:

• Speech Recognition: This service allows you to convert speech to text in real time or from audio files. You can use it for voice commands, transcription, dictation, captioning, and more. You can also customize it with your own vocabulary and acoustic machine learning models.
• Computer Vision: This service allows you to analyze and understand images and videos. You can use it for face detection, emotion recognition, object detection, optical character recognition, video indexing, and more. You can also create your own custom vision models using a simple interface. I recently created a video with an overview of the service here: https://youtu.be/ac8fvBWgUHg
• Text Analytics: This service allows you to extract insights from text data. You can use it for sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, entity recognition, language detection, and more. Another example would be to use it to analyze healthcare documents and extract clinical information.
• Many more: Cognitive Services offer a wide range of services for different domains and scenarios, such as natural language understanding, conversational AI, anomaly detection, spatial analysis, personalization, and more.

You don’t need to worry about building or managing your own AI models, or if required, many of the services allow for custom models to be built as well. Once determined, you just need to connect to the API and start using it in your applications. Even better, many of the services can be containerized within a docker container where you can deploy the models locally or in other clouds for an even faster prediction for your application. Finally, you also get the benefits of Microsoft’s expertise and innovation in AI, such as high accuracy, reliability, security, and compliance.

To get started, many of the services have free service tiers for minimal transactions, and each service is billed based on consumption, so as long as you are controlling those transactions, you don’t have to worry about cost overruns, etc.

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to add AI capabilities to your applications without the hassle and complexity of ChatGPT and similar tools, Cognitive Services are the way to go! And if you really want to go deeper in understanding all the capabilities check out our recent book “Practical Guide to Azure Cognitive Services” from Packt or through other online book retailers: https://bit.ly/44NKm04

If you think this was valuable, or could improve, please leave a comment below and share it with your friends. And don’t forget to subscribe to my video blog https://youtube.com/bizdataviz for more Data and AI insights and tips.

3 Key Differences in ChatGPT and Azure OpenAI

In this vLog I discuss some misconceptions around ChatGPT and Azure OpenAI, to include:

  • Who owns ChatGPT, OpenAI, and how Microsoft got involved
  • Security and privacy concerns about Azure OpenAI and ChatGPT
  • How each of the services is consumed and billed

Take a look to find out more!

 ChatGPTAzure OpenAI
OwnershipOwned by OpenAI LP a for profit arm of OpenAI the non-profit who’s mission is to development of societyPart of Azure AI offerings as APIs, and investor in OpenAI for exclusive rights to technology generated
SecurityInsecure and open to the public. LLM is trained on dataset created in GPT 3 and currently only references data from 2021 and earlier. Questions and interactions are captured and can be used for further trainingSecure to an Azure tenant using GPT-4, GPT 3.5, Codex and Dall-e Requires access for tenant to reduce the chances of the AI to be used for malicious purposes Data is not stored by the prompt, and model is not trained on data added
CostsFree during preview stages, or paid for better hardware availabilityBased on a consumption model like other Azure Cognitive Services. Biggest expense is re-training the model you’ve deployed for your data

Azure Cognitive Services

AI solutions are exploding, and Azure has the most complete offering of any cloud provider! Watch this video to get started with our API based Cognitive Services in Azure and a sample architecture of how to employ them with the Azure Bot Service. Azure Cognitive Services are cloud-based services with REST APIs and client library SDKs available to help you build cognitive intelligence into your applications.

You can add cognitive features to your applications without having artificial intelligence (AI) or data science skills. Azure Cognitive Services comprise various AI services that enable you to build cognitive solutions that can see, hear, speak, understand, and even make decisions. Azure Bot Service enables you to build intelligent, enterprise-grade bots with ownership and control of your data. Begin with a simple Q&A bot or build a sophisticated virtual assistant.




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What is HTAP in Azure

Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing, or HTAP, is an advanced database capability that allows for both types of workloads to be performed without one impacting the performance of the other.

In this Video Blog, I cover some of the history of HTAP, some of the challenges and benefits of these systems, and where you can find them in Azure.

Getting started with Spark Pools in Azure Synapse

In my latest video blog I discuss getting started on the newly Generally Available Spark Pools as a part of Azure Synapse, another great option for Data Engineering/Preparation, Data Exploration, and Machine learning workloads

Without going too deep into the history of Apache Spark, I’ll start with the basics. Essentially, in the early days of Big Data workloads, a basis for machine learning and deep learning for advanced analytics and AI, we would use a Hadoop cluster and move all these datasets across disks, but the disks were always the bottleneck in the process. So, the creators of Spark said hey, why don’t we do this in memory and remove that bottleneck. So they developed Apache Spark as an in memory data processing engine as a faster way to process these massive datasets.

When the Azure Synapse team wanted to make sure that they were offering the best possible data solution for all different kinds of workloads, Spark gave the ability to have an option for their customers that were already familiar with the Spark environment, and included this feature as part of the complete Azure Synapse Analytics offering.

Behind the scenes, the Synapse team is managing many of the components you’d find in Open-Sourced Spark such as:

  • Apache Hadoop Yarn – for the management of the clusters where the data is being processed
  • Apache Livy – for the job orchestration
  • Anaconda – a package manager, environment manager, Python/R data science distribution and a collection of over 7500 open source packages for increasing the capabilities of the Spark clusters

I hope you enjoy the post. Let me know your thoughts or questions!

Connecting to External Data with Azure Synapse

In my latest video blog I discuss and demonstrate some of the ways to connect to external data in Azure Synapse if there isn’t a need to import the data to the database or you want to do some ad-hoc analysis. I also talk about using COPY and CTAS statements if the requirement is to import the data after all. Check it out here

Comparing Azure Synapse, Snowflake, and Databricks for common data workloads

In this vLog post I discuss how Azure Synapse, Databricks and Snowflake compare when it comes to common data workloads:

Data Science

Business Intelligence

Ad-Hoc data analysis

Data Warehousing

and more!

Where does Azure Data Explorer fit in the rest of the Data Platform?

In this vLog I give an overview of Azure Data Explorer and the Kusto Query Language (KQL). Born from analyzing logs behind Power BI, ADX is a great way to take large sets of data and quickly analyze those datasets and get actionable insights on that data.

Find more details about Azure Data Explorer here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/data-explorer/

And get started with these great tutorials: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/create-cluster-database-portal

Should I Choose Azure Data Factory or Synapse Studio

In this vLog, I cover the reasons why you might consider using Azure Data Factory, a mature cloud service for orchestration and processing of data over the newly GA Azure Synapse Studio.

Synapse has all of the same features as Azure Data Factory, but if you have a large development team working on ELT operations, or a simple data processing activity, it could make sense for the less-cluttered Azure Data Factory.

Take a look at the vLog here and let me know your thoughts on other scenarios for you!